Monday, March 25, 2024

2 Corinthians 12

Do you have “a thorn in the flesh?”  Paul confesses that he struggled with one for much of his ministry and even asked the Lord to remove it on three occasions.  God, however, in His infinite wisdom chose not to remove the “thorn” but taught the apostle a life-changing principle.  “My grace is sufficient for you, for [My] power is perfected in weakness.”  God wanted the great missionary to depend fully upon Him when times were tough but also when he experienced great success.  Boasting would never be part of Paul’s life or ministry because of this lesson.  While other “super apostles” boast of their great works, their large crowds, and their massive treasuries, he will only boast of the powerful work that the Almighty is doing.  Paul has learned to “delight in [his] weaknesses, in insults, in distresses, in persecutions, in difficulties, on behalf of Christ; for when I am weak, then I am strong.”  O that we could learn that lesson.  Dependence upon the Lord is a vital part of our walk with Him.  We will always struggle with our pride and with the competitive fire that God has placed in us, but when we learn that our weaknesses are just as important as our strengths, our lives will radically change.  It is in those weaknesses that God can do His greatest work in our lives for it is then that we must rely upon Him to do what we cannot.  We are so ready to lean on that which cannot hold us up – a bottle or syringe, a person, a job, or a healthy investment portfolio – while we struggle to lean upon the One who is more than strong enough to meet every need.  When will we learn the lesson that Paul had to learn?  The Scriptures say that “today is the day of salvation, now is the acceptable time” (2 Corinthians 6:2), so wake up church and see the lesson that God has for you today!


Help me, Lord, to delight in my weaknesses so that I might learn how to fully depend upon You.  Help me to stop leaning on that which cannot hold me up and lean, instead, upon You, the only One who truly can.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

2 Corinthians 11

Paul is greatly concerned about the believers in Corinth willingness to accept any gospel that is preached or any spirit that is offered.  They are not as grounded in the Scriptures as he would prefer and challenges them to disengage with anyone who does not preach the same gospel that he first brought to them.  These “super-apostles” are using emotion and stories of great turmoil and difficulty to draw the people to themselves and then preaching something that is not Biblical but humanistic.  It is the same struggle we see in the modern church.  We have churches that use every draw possible to fill their seats but have little substance to offer from the Scriptures.  Drawing crowds that we cannot disciple from infancy to maturity in Christ is of little value.  Jesus called His people to make disciples not to fill buildings with people who know nothing of His great sacrifice or of the love He has called them to share with the world.  We have created superstar preachers and evangelists who teach humanistic ideas that please the mind and dull the senses to the truth.  They are more cultural than Christian and are creating a great divide in Jesus’ church.  Paul boasted of nothing but Jesus and His great work.  He did not see any value in his qualifications or his degrees; he was most concerned about their spiritual health and strength.  A church that is not grounded in God’s Word is not prepared for the eventual onslaught of the enemy or of another “super apostle” who will give them more stuff and make them feel even better.  The only church that will stand in that day is the one built upon the Rock!  What is your church built upon?


Help me, Lord, to take a serious look at my church to make sure it is grounded in truth.  Help me to stand strong in Your truth and to always be ready for the next onslaught of the enemy.